Weekly K-12th Grade Enrichment and Pre-K story times & activities
2024-2025 Academic Year Our weekly co-op meets on Thursdays from 1:30 - 4:30 pm at Ave Maria in Parker. For the 2024-2025 Academic Year we will offer classes for Elementary & Middle, and High School Students and a mommy-and-me style Pre-K program.
Purpose Building Catholic community is our main objective. Providing regular, structured classes helps students (and parents) to develop friendships. Taught by faithful Catholics, our enrichment classes provide engaging learning opportunities. The classes are not meant to replace any subject areas at home, but they will likely enhance them! We do not require homework and teachers do not provide grades. There may be optional projects/assignments given occasionally.
This year we are offering elective-style classes including: We are offering classes to Kindergarten - 12th grade: Environmental Studies- Middle and High School grades (Mrs. Suzanne Goldsberry) Mammals - K-2; 3rd-5th (Mrs. Jasmine Pierce) Music K-2, 3rd-5th (Mrs. Britta Conway) Training for Heaven - 3rd-8th & High school (Highlight Catholic Ministries) PE K-2 (Mrs. Ann Walker) See Class Schedule and Descriptions. Classes are a la carte - you don't have to enroll in all three hours. We charge tuition to pay our teachers but this means less volunteering for parents (and more time for fellowship).
Preschool Preschoolers can participate in story time and activities, free for any families with older children enrolled in classes.
Tuition K-5th class prices per student for the YEAR are: $276 per year for all three classes ($12 per day) $230 per year for two classes ($10 per day) $138 per year for one class ($6 per day)
Middle/High School class prices for the YEAR are: $276 per year for Science AND PE ($12 per day) $230 per year for Science OR PE ($10 per day) **Board Games/social break is free with registration of one or two classes**
There is an additional $10 annual fee per family per year and a $6 Science workbook fee per K-5th student. While partial payments will be due at the beginning of each semester, (September and January) enrollment is for the entire school year. Family discounts: First two children pay full tuition as priced above. Second two children are half-off tuition. 5th child and over are free. Pre-K program is free for families with siblings enrolled in at least one paid class. For the Pre-K - only program (no older siblings enrolled), the tuition is $50.
Parent Commitment There will be some volunteer requirements (teacher aids, hall monitors) but also opportunities to "drop-off" your students as well. Ave Maria has Adoration available on Thursdays; we encourage you to take advantage of that opportunity.
Safe Environment Training In order to follow Diocesan policy, all adult participants - teachers and volunteers - are required to complete Safe Environment Training. This is an online "module" that can be completed at home when convenient before teaching or volunteering at the co-op. Read more about our policies in the Family Handbook.
Calendar We have a semester program: 1st semester is September -November; 2nd semester is January - April 2024 - 2025 Calendar
Enrollment Please complete the enrollment found on the Forms page. Tuition payment is due on or before the first day of each semester: September 5 & January 16 If you are interested in our group but not ready to enroll, please fill out this Expression of Interest Form.
Homeschool Community We also provide opportunities for homeschool families to connect during the year outside of the weekly co-op. These activities are open to all families. This year we plan to offer an All Saints Party, Stations of the Cross during Lent, Easter Party, Girls' Book Club, Boys' Adventure Club and Moms' Bible Study. This is a great option for families who are not able to make the weekly commitment of the co-op but still interested in community activities with other Catholic homeschool families. Please contact us to learn more.